We’ve been busy

I thank Karen for taking all the photos (except for two which are noted) after my camera suffered a terminal injury.

I’m sorry about the long gap – but it doesn’t mean that nothing has been happening!

In mid-October we had a very welcome visit from some of the Pahiatua Spinners, which was a good excuse to chat over morning tea.

Some of our members were very busy preparing work to enter in the Wairarapa A&P Show competitions – here are some of the results. Marion did particularly well.But Caroline gave her some serious competition

and Liz had success with her weaving –

Here is another view of Liz’s spectacular knotted rug, with its maker! (Thank you Margaret for this photo)

Another thing that happened at the show was some spinning and knitting. On the last day, after the shearing competitions were over, there were shearing demonstrations, and a group of our members were there to show what can be done with the wool when it comes of the sheep.

At the bottom of the picture is some of the wool, still greasy of course. After spinning it in the grease , you can see what the skein looked like. Then they knitted a cosy little hat. The photo was taken later after the hat had been washed, and at top left is a staple that was washed afterwards. Fun was had by all and the visitors enjoyed watching the whole process.

Then there was our AGM, and it’s good to report that it was a short and cheerful affair.

Lynette handed over the presidential badge to Caroline.

And here is the new committee. Seated are Caroline (president) on the right, and Lib (vice-president) on the left. Standing from left are Janice (treasurer) Trish, Kay, Tracy (secretary), Lil, Rosemarie and Karen. Lorna was absent. (Thank you for taking the photo, Wendy)

They are a great bunch of people and we look forward to an interesting and enjoyable year.

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